Tag Archives: free energy healing
TGIWednesday!!! Achy knees or bad hearing? listen to this…
A word of thanks. For those that purchased the most recent Audio MP3’s and the new book, The Tackle Box… “Thank you x3!” The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I’m grateful to everyone for the inspiration to create even more items that will help/contribute to you! Next in the hopper will be: the three…
TGIWednesday and another free healing show link just for you!
Loves it and you. I am getting so close I can feel it! I’m putting the finishing touches on new Audio MP3’s including Magic 8 Ball – increasing intuition, The Inside Job – all about jobs, working, career, and Family Relationships – who couldn’t use that one right?. Each one will hyperspace jump your spiritual…
TGIWednesday and a special free love gift for Valentine’s Day
End of the full moon and Mercury retrograde goes direct today on Wednesday February 11th so things should get back to whatever “normal” is for you with regards to what everyone seems to have been going through! I am wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and romantic Valentine’s Day. Even if you are not…
TGIWednesday and a free healing video for you
I hope your new year is going super d dooper! If you just endured the full moon and things are a little wonky, you are not alone! If you feel the need for a session, just reach out. I also wanted to share the link to my latest free interview on The Law of Attraction…
TGIWednesday… Holiday Cheer and a Special Gift for You
I want to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a special Happy Birthday to my mom aka Granny Ruth who will be 86 years young on Christmas Day!No matter what you are celebrating or avoiding this time of year, the holidays can at times be tough. So as a special…