Monthly Archives: December 2020

TGIWednesday and here’s to better days ahead!

TGIWednesday News Dude, seriously? Did this year feel like 5 years long? I have a movie star client who always says, “The days are long, but the years fly by!” Not even gonna start on the laundry list of what needs to improve next year but I want you to. How about we just ease…

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TGIWednesday and my presence will be the present

TGIWednesday News Your presence is the present. Even if you have nothing to give to someone, a smile, opening the door for them and/or a cheerful greeting is better than nothing! This time of year people catch “the winter blues” pine over years and seasons and loved ones in the past and often mope around…

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my new Christmas card for everyone! Enjoy

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TGIChristmas and remembering my dear momma on her birthday

TGIChristmas Friday News This will be the first Christmas without my sweet momma, aka Granny Ruth. She was born on Christmas Day and loved this time of year. She often led Al Anon meetings and sang in the church choir. I feel her presence daily and I know she’s the reason my little GF is…

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Are you joining the live Zoom event Wednesday night?

Join me this Wednesday as we close out this year with our final monthly live event which isby invitation only to our TGIW subscribers. This Wednesday’s call will deal with themes of intuition, psychic gifts and blocks to higher potential. This call is unique in that you have the benefit of tapping into a multitude…

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