Monthly Archives: November 2021
TGIWednesday: Thankfulness and then some…
TGIWednesday News Oh wow, there is so much to be thankful for. If you’re reading this now, I can think of 10 reasons for you to be thankful. Saying and giving thanks is all the rage this time of year, but I make every effort to make it every day of the year and I…
TGIWednesday: Are you worthy?
TGIWednesday News It has an odd dynamic as to actually feel worthy to be thankful and often I like to clear new clients being open to receiving, deserving and worthy of all the best life has to offer. As you read this, we are seeing it all shift in your favor. Worthiness stands almost as…
TGIWednesday: Simple Gestures of Kindness
TGIWednesday News During our month of celebrating thanksgiving and being thankful, it’s important to address simple gestures like holding the door open for the next person, saying thank-you to whomever is being of service to you and even saying good afternoon with a smile on your face. You will never know what that other person…
TGIMonday.. Announcing an ADDED BONUS w/ all Prosperity Unlocked audio purchases
ANNOUNCING AN EXCLUSIVE ADDED BONUS!! As you might have read, we’re in the middle of the launch for the brand new audio mp3 called Prosperity Unlocked and with only a few days left to grab it at the low intro price of $44 (will be $57) We’ve got a special BONUS to add NOT available to buy anywhere else.…
TGIWednesday: Unblock and unlock your prosperity and wealth
TGIWednesday News Obviously the whole month will be about being thankful for what we have (and even what we do not!) There was an old Garth Brooks song, “I thank God for unanswered prayers.” Often when we think of our lives in the present moment, we talk about what is wrong, off or as Granny…