Monthly Archives: July 2022
TGIWednesday: Raging Independence
TGIWednesday News It wasn’t so long ago that I don’t remember longing to be older and to drive a car by myself, then I couldn’t wait to turn 18 so that I felt more independent from my parents and able to vote and show a better ID card! Even then I couldn’t wait to be…
TGIWednesday: Is it just me?
TGIWednesday News Holy guacamole is it just me or has everything been extra crispy, weird, slow and funky? Had to have been that largest super moon of the year last week. Even the internet, phones and communications have gone hay wire. Or as my sweet mom called it cattywampus or off-kilter. Believe me, it’s not…
TGIWednesday: Is your energy reversed?
TGIWednesday News Wednesday July 13th Super Moon will be the biggest and the brightest of the year! Often during those intense full moons we can get a little rough around the edges and lose our independence. It is a fact that there are more folks arrested and hospitalized during full moons than during any other moon…
TGIWednesday: Independence from what?
TGIWednesday News Well this week we’ve celebrated our independence but I am not sure from what. Lots going on as you well know ;)… whether it’s fuel, inflation, legal battles and then some… and it seems we may well be more dependent than ever on items and events upon which we have little or no control.…