Monthly Archives: April 2018
TGIWednesday and a download for releasing anxiety, stress & tension
LIVE Appearances TUESDAY’S AT NOON – THE JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW Every Tuesday at 12pm ET Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594 Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE! Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet! Tune in weekly for…
TGIWednesday and a download for getting enough sleep
TGIWednesday Download ~ GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP~ It is safe and comfortable for me to sleep. I believe, think, know and feel when the time is right to sleep and when it is ideal to sleep. I create a nightly routine that tells this body when it’s time to wind down and go to sleep. I…
TGIFriday News – It’s Friday the 13th…. let’s make it lucky!!
TGIFriday News If you were planning on picking up the new Audio MP3………..get on it today……….. We are busting out of Winter, tax season AND Mercury Retrograde and this new audio is the kind of rocket fuel you’re going to need to propel yourself out of the Winter blues and blossom into Spring. I had…
TGIWednesday and a download for driving forward in life
TGIWednesday News Time for some SPRING CLEANING and that doesn’t just mean dusting under the couch, washing the outside windows, and organizing your closets – it also includes doing some spring cleaning of your energy and the energy of your living space! Watch this quick little video with me and my friend Marla Martenson as…
TGIWednesday and what is The Good Good?
NEW MP3 RELEASE TODAY! Today’s brand new Audio MP3/PDF release has been nicknamed “The Good Good” because it is taking out the weeds of drama, trauma, depression, sadness, guilt, stuckedness and overwhelm. The second part of the audio will implant flowers of stability, grounding, hopefulness, good fortune, inspiration and forward momentum! AVAILABLE NOW! MyBeliefworks™ for…