Monthly Archives: April 2022
TGIWednesday: I’m still waiting for this to kick in
TGIWednesday News The first book I co-authored was with Bob Proctor entitled Take Action Now! and with good reason. Often with clients we’ll discuss deeply personal issues and long standing illness, disease or disorders. Then they might throw in procrastination, a stagnant love life and a job they despise and there is only one way to…
Join me LIVE tomorrow to restore, reset and reclaim your shine!
Hi Jimmy, Last month Darius and I had a stellar conversation talking about how to use My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™ to help you Spring into Action, to Restore, Reset and Reclaim Your Shine! He has graciously invited me back for a deeper conversation and to work with more of the listeners doing LIVE online healing…
TGIWednesday: Is that a school bus?
TGIWednesday News So I am laying in my bed with Lily (my sweet black cat) and I am in a near trance as always when in sessions with clients. I had just finished with a client when I heard air brakes and tires squealing. I looked over out my windows and saw the giant palmetto…
TGIWednesday: Yes… there are 3 today!
TGIWednesday News It’s high holy week for the Christians and the Jewish people, if you are either one, or other regardless, many blessings. I spent decades being THE Easter Bunny (in the costume and all) at our neighbors annual Easter lawn party which looked like something out of The Great Gatsby! Whatever you’re into or celebrate, by…
TGIWednesday: Healing/Restoration and a new book launch
TGIWednesday News This whole month is really about healing, restoration and even resurrection. Regardless of your belief or slant, now can be the time to co-create changes, rise up and start anew. I believe in you, we believe in you and knowing that there is always ebb and flow, changing moon phases and changing tides,…