Monthly Archives: August 2023

TGIWednesday: A bale of hay

TGIWednesday News Energetically, I am always throwing the good stuff of cosmic blessings out there to any and everyone.  I work on myself a little here and there throughout the day and I have found the signs are everywhere that Spirit hears us! One such recent sign was when our lawn men decided instead of…

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TGIWednesday: AI researches My Liquid Fish

TGIWednesday News I thought this was unique and a very impressive overview to share with those of you who are now practicing the technique or considering taking our courses. Below is the query that was typed in for AI (Artificial Intelligence): Q) “As an energy medicine practitioner, describe the my liquid fish technique.” — And here is the…

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TGIFriday News: The power of 3, 6, 9

TGIFriday News Tesla said if you understand the premise behind the numbers 3,6.9, it can change everything.  I believe that is a huge part of what we’re doing with My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™.  Now when you factor in our latest offering of the Life Force Energy: Fishing with Numbers Masterclass, you can really play in the quantum…

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TGIWednesday: The power of 3, 6, 9

TGIWednesday News Tesla said if you understand the premise behind the numbers 3,6.9, it can change everything.  I believe that is a huge part of what we’re doing with My Liquid Fish™ Change made simple™.  Now when you factor in our latest offering of the Life Force Energy: Fishing with Numbers Masterclass, you can really play in the quantum…

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TGIWednesday: Don’t get all mathy on me!

FISHING WITH NUMBERS  – Available Now! I don’t know about you, but when people start throwing a lot of math and accounting around, my eyes glaze over.  I guess I was always a fluffy kitten, “look at the butterfly” kind of guy. I struggled with math and even hired a tutor in college.  So for…

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