Monthly Archives: May 2015

TGIWednesday … and remaining positive

Weekly Download… POSITIVITY… Say “YES” to receive… I have and know the Creator’s definition of positivity.  I know what it feels like to be positive, how to be positive, to live my day to day life being positive and that it is possible to be positive. I know that from this moment forward I am…

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TGIWednesday … When is Astrological Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde starts now… Mercury retrograde will be occurring from May 18 to June 11 …Now for the good news… I was invited to be a guest on Self-Healing for Wholeness TeleSummit which features 21 expert speakers offering their strategies to create a healthy & happy life. This FREE EVENT runs now through June 5th…

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TGIWednesday … Astrology and Creating Strength

Weekly Download… STRENGTH… Say “YES” to receive… I know and have God’s definition of Strength.  My strength is the Creator’s strength and it flows with me.  I know what strength feels like, how to be strong, and how to live my daily life knowing that I am strong.  I know how to live my life without feeling weak. …

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TGIWednesday and The Mystical Experience

Master Tanpai Rin Poche I was invited to a house party where a Tibetan master was the star guest.  Friends lined up all over the house waiting for a chance to meet with him.  Every 15 minutes a bell rang and as one person left the small room, another one entered.  When it was my…

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