Monthly Archives: April 2023

TGIWednesday: Where are my keys?

TGIWednesday News I looked high and low around my home for my car’s key fob.  If you don’t know how expensive and time consuming it is to replace one consider yourself lucky! I finally found it after I used my spare to start my car and eased down my driveway running over the original key…

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TGIWednesday: Clearing negative mind chatter

TGIWednesday News If I wake up and the marine drill sergeant is in my head screaming, You’re worthless and weak, now drop and give me 20 push-ups!” That’s when I know that some negative anchor that’s not even me has in fact infiltrated my head space.  It is imperative that you fish that out and…

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TGIWednesday: Shape Shifting

TGIWednesday News Wowza, getting over this past full moon was a marathon of gut punches.  Seemed like the oddest things were happening.  If you have cats, you know sometimes you look and nothing is in the room and the next time you look the cat is sitting in the middle of the room!  Ditto for…

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TGIWednesday: a cataract dilemma?

TGIWednesday News I woke up the other morning and put my glasses on and everywhere I looked seemed to be a light milky haze.  I was like, ‘who wakes up with cataracts?’  I launched into my usual tackle box clearing my eyes to Yes, unclear to No, running forward Yes.  Opened them again, and nothing!  Unchanged. Opened…

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