Monthly Archives: September 2023

TGIWednesday: What more to clear?

TGIWednesday News Sometimes we can’t figure out what else to clear and work on.  Doesn’t matter if it’s a health challenge that won’t seem to budge; maybe a relationship, relative, or finances challenge even.  Don’t hesitate to clear, “I feel frustrated about_____ and “I am at my wits end about ____”  Sit with your feelings towards…

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We want to see you in High Cotton!

JimmyGmail, did you know that in the farming world, the time of the Fall Equinox is prime time for bringing in the crop harvest and if you’re standing in “high cotton” that means you’re reaping a plentiful bounty? It’s a metaphor for having tremendous wealth and abundance, and that’s what we want for YOU this season, to be energetically…

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TGIWednesday: Who is BobTot?

TGIWednesday News I know, I asked the same question.  Who the ____ is BobTot? And my personal superstar assistant had a quick answer for that.  As a Taurus she is practical, street smart and remains unabashed when it comes to “I told you so!”  So it was no shock that when she sent me a link…

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TGIWednesday: Can you help me?

TGIWednesday News You can see and experience a ton of funny life stories and life lessons if you’ll just be open, observant and receptive. I was in our local grocery store the other day in the milk isle area as a man in a three-wheeler came to a screeching halt and almost hit me.  He…

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TGIWednesday: They’re just lemons!

TGIWednesday News Seems some of my, dare I say material/sermons/life lessons, stories come from the grocery store and the LA Fitness center/gym and the other day was no exception. I needed lemons for iced tea that I make every day!  In the produce section of our grocery store were 3 choices, a bag of regular…

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