End of the full moon and Mercury retrograde goes direct today on Wednesday February 11th so things should get back to whatever “normal” is for you with regards to what everyone seems to have been going through!
I am wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and romantic Valentine’s Day.
Even if you are not with that special someone, consider embracing and loving yourself, your pets, your friends and someone special in your family. Feel that love and bathe yourself in that love as you read this now. I have found that love can clear out a great deal of negativity.
So… I’m sending MY love to YOU by giving away my Finding Ideal Love MP3 download. CLICK HERE on this link and you can download it to your computer or your phone and listen again and again… grab it before it’s gone.
Also, I have encoded this special Valentine’s Day email so that it will contribute to you! Read what is written below out loud and say “YES!” after each sentence.
I’ve found it to be the fastest and the deepest if you close your eyes just after reading and then you just say YES!
I have Gods perspective and definition from the 7th plane of what love is. I know that I am worthy of having Love in my daily life. I know how to recognize and see all the Love I already have in my life and I know how to allow for more Love to come into my life. I know what it feels like to be blessed with Love. My life is filled with receiving Love, and I am deserving of Love from all positive sources and worthy of powerful Love NOW.