Monthly Archives: October 2022

TGIWednesday… Grateful Dead and stopping time

TGIWednesday News Years ago when I was an undergrad, we got tickets for the Grateful Dead concert.  I’m not saying it was a long time ago, just that we saw all the original band members together 😉 Prior to the concert we did whippets and weed and alcohol and literally something that our buddy touted…

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TGIWednesday… You have 3 main choices

TGIWednesday News I often see funny/bizarre things when I go to work out at LA Fitness.  Lately, hand to God, a bunch of twenty-something young men worked up a dripping sweat playing basketball.  After the game, several stood by the paper towel dispenser talking about the game and drying off their dripping sweaty bodies with paper…

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TGIWednesday… What scares you?

TGIWednesday News What scares you the most during this creepy Halloween month?  The pandemic, vaccines, no vaccines, inflation, the price of gas, global climate change, world unrest or fill in the blank ______. The point is that there are endless things to worry about, to be afraid of and some days it seems like there are endless…

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TGIWednesday… You’d need a seance!

TGIWednesday News Beyond Spectrum being a kabillion dollar conglomerate with just ok service and sky high pricing, we never dreamed the collections department would be calling us!  Even more astrounding, the collections agent was calling for my father.  When I told her, “You’re looking for my father not me.”  She said, “Will you give him a message…

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