Monthly Archives: July 2018

TGIWednesday, Lunar Eclipses, Mercury Retrograde… oh my!

TGIWednesday News It’s that time again when we begin to feel the influences of Mercury Retrograde which begins on July 26th and ends on August 19th. For those who would appreciate a brief explanation of this, here you go…. "Due to the way our own orbit interacts with those of the other planets, they might…

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TGIWednesday and time is running out…

72 hrs Until it Ends… We’ve been getting a ton of emails from folks who picked up the new Daily GPS Reset audio series and we really do appreciate that and are thrilled that it’s helping so many people. I did get one email that had a question about how and when to listen that…

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TGIWednesday and Resetting Your GPS!

NEW AUDIO RELEASE TODAY! For those of you who have ever wished I could be a little angel on your shoulder right there with you throughout your day helping support you each step of the way to make things go smoother morning, noon and night – and even in emergencies… then this new audio is…

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TGIWednesday and proclaiming YOUR independence!

TGIWednesday News TODAY JULY 4th at 3pm EDT Jimmy will be co-hosting on the Spiritual Insights Show with Charlotte Spicer. Call in LIVE and get a free reading (347) 934-0751 Listen here online Hey hey, the early reviews are coming in for the super special new audio MP3 being released next Wed. July 11th- MyBeliefworks™…

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