Monthly Archives: February 2015
TGIWednesday and another free healing show link just for you!
Loves it and you. I am getting so close I can feel it! I’m putting the finishing touches on new Audio MP3’s including Magic 8 Ball – increasing intuition, The Inside Job – all about jobs, working, career, and Family Relationships – who couldn’t use that one right?. Each one will hyperspace jump your spiritual…
TGIWednesday and the aftermath of Valentine’s Day
So the great news is that Valentine’s Day; brought to you by Hallmark/Walmart and Mercury retrograde have passed…Thank goodness for most. So keep the faith folks and everything moving forward. I am encoding and empowering this to test strong/positive for you as you read this now. I believe, think, know and feel that every day,…
TGIWednesday and a special free love gift for Valentine’s Day
End of the full moon and Mercury retrograde goes direct today on Wednesday February 11th so things should get back to whatever “normal” is for you with regards to what everyone seems to have been going through! I am wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and romantic Valentine’s Day. Even if you are not…
TGIWednesday… Full Moon energy, Mercury retrograde
My mentor and friend used to nearly scold me about buying in to Mercury retrograde. But if you know anything about astrology and numerology, it can make a difference for others and it is a time of miscommunication, lost car keys, missed appointments, etc. So be extra cautious as you move forward and take your…