Monthly Archives: December 2018

TGIWednesday and a download for having child-like joy!

TGIWednesday News Ah, it’s the day after Christmas and we’re in that sweet spot now between Christmas and the New Year… where the holiday frenzy slows down, folks are taking time off of work, and we begin reflecting on the past year and looking ahead toward what changes we want to make, and dreaming about…

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TGIWednesday and having Joy in Giving and Receiving

TGIWednesday News ‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house… well, I don’t exactly know what you’re up to in your house, but someone shared a cute meme that said, “It’s almost time to switch from my every day anxiety to my festive Christmas anxiety”! lol… My hope is that you are all…

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TGIWednesday and giving & receiving presents with grace and ease

TGIWednesday News Holy guacamole, thrilled that mercury retrograde is behind us now. Regardless of your beliefs, starting today, let’s celebrate the energy and the feeling of the 12 days of Christmas with child like wonder and joy. Think of it as a happy, giving and receiving time of year. You know that I’m here as…

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TGIWednesday and being the gift of good cheer

TGIWednesday News Ok, can you believe “you know who” is coming to town? Love it……….regardless of your belief system, color or creed, allow this time of year to be festive, joyful and entertaining. I look at it with child-like amazement and I’m thrilled that I have grand children to get all excited about some of…

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