In honor of Prince, today’s eNews Updates are sent in purple!
We love you, we miss you.
TGIWednesday News
From The Fishbox
A.B. / Florida
“Good afternoon my beautiful friend. You remember my friend that came with me one day and you worked with her. You told her that she was going to get pregnant… Well here’s proof of your work. It’s a girl! 9.9 pounds 21 1/2 inches long.”
L.K. / Florida
TGIWednesday Download
Say YES to receive the energy of this download in all times and all languages
I am transforming my relationship with money. I am downloading our creator’s definition and perspective and understanding of money. I know what it feels like to have plenty of money. I am open to the divine source and flow of the universe, magic and money. It is safe and comfortable for me to be open to receiving, deserving and worthy of money flowing to me as I hear and read this now.
…And so it is as I say YES out loud now!
TGIWednesday Tools
K.D. / Florida
New recordings and book on the way… stay tuned…..
The new My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® handbook will be a must-have that will come in book, ebook, and audio formats. Also, the new “MyBeliefworks for Being at the Crossroads Audio MP3 will soon be here to allow spirit to create the most optimal scenarios & resolutions for you and any life-changing decisions that come up.
Fish Food
“Today I will be on the lookout for the unusual, and items I previously overlooked which I will now realize actually have meaning. I will not discount mere coincidence as a put down or something that is unusual. I will revisit that which I had previously and find newer and deeper meaning in these events before me.”
Get the book & read the full story of the day at:
New Audio MP3 Downloads and Books to improve your life!
Psalms 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them.
Transformational Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit, People, Places, Pets and Situations!
My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®
Free Interviews & Healing Work: http://www.jimmymackhealing.
15 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
30 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
60 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
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Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist
Strategic Marketing Solutions for Spirit, Mind, and Body Wellness Professionals