TGIWednesday and making progress every day

Well after about a month, I finished writing the script for the audio MP3 Magic 8 Ball which is all about intuition & psychic development! Next will be the recording phase.  Family Issue topics and The Inside Job about employment/moving up/down and sideways seemed to get the most votes for topics and they’re coming up next.I really appreciate all the feedback and suggestions that I’ve received.  I also want to encourage everyone during this lovely winter time to be more patient with yourselves.  Be more nurturing and kind to one another.  If you feel like a bowl of chicken noodle soup and wearing your PJ’s while binging on a series marathon or movies, know that it is more than ok!

I liked the comic below because I want to encourage everyone to keep pressing forward, onward, upward.  I believe this will be an awesome and pivotal year for a lot of us.  If you need an added boost, that’s why I’m here for you!

Jimmy Mack V 727.678.0557
New Audio MP3 Downloads and Books to improve your life!
Psalms 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them.
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