TGIWednesday Special Offer
The package includes Spiritual Healing Techniques: Essential Methods for Creating a Healthier Life (choice of Kindle, iPad pdf/ebook, & Paperback) PLUS an audio mp3 on Being at the Crossroads, Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief AND a Bonus 40 minute Audiobook version read aloud by me that in itself will increase the impact of the information.
Don’t forget… I encourage you to get this for YOU and share it with your friends & family too!
“This book seems simple, but goes DEEP! I read it several times and by about the 3rd pass I really x3 got it. Now a lot of things are just plug and play like he said in the book and it is fast, simple and dare I say fun!” – R.M. / Chicago
You guys can read all the specifics about this Special $65 Limited Offer when you click the link, but the bottom line is it’s like paying for one 30 minute session with me and getting the entire new book plus 90 minutes of audio healing for free! These will soon cost over $120 to buy individually.
TGIWednesday News
Listen LIVE every Tuesday 12 noon ET
Call in (713) 955-0594
Here’s yesterday’s replay link.“Just a quick email to tell you I listened to your latest show with Jimmy Mack. It was AMAZING. The way you two tag-teamed the callers and offered help was beyond healing, compassionate and loving. Your compassion continues to touch me deeply. Your insights were so spot on! It was an honor to listen to it. I aspire to have that kind of intuition! Thank you for a wonderful show. It truly was beautiful.”
Blessings, S.C.
I will be joining host Vandana Atara as a special guest on Accelerated Light Healing.
Listen here TODAY at 1pm – Call in (713) 955-0594
Listen here TODAY at 3pm – Call in (323) 870-3791
It’s free to register and you’ll get access to 7 other expert speakers
Sign up here:, make a note of this one-time date change… Next week’s regular co-hosting slot on Spiritual Insights Radio w/Charlotte Spicer will be on TUESDAY at 3pm! (not the regular Wednesday slot). Call-in number: (347) 934-0751 or listen online. Great getting to know all the new folks who are finding me here – tell your friends!
TGIWednesday Download
Say YES to receive the energy of this download in all times and all languages“I am asking to download our creators definition of co-creating. I will now know what it feels like, and what it means to co-create mystical magical miracles. I will now know how to, that it’s possible, and that I am deserving, worthy of, and open to receiving and co-creating here and now as I read this and say YES! out loud it will take place across all lifetimes, and timelines and in all languages and so it is now!!!”
From the Fishbox
– J.G. – Mexico“I use your ‘My Liquid Fish’ daily… it’s changing my life, it’s quick, it’s effective…. even feel shivers down my spine when it’s changing me… Nicole raves about you! But, I guess everyone that knows you, that’s had a session with you does too… Thanks for your time!”
-T.O. / California
Fish Food: Daily Bread to Feed the Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations forJuly 13th
“Today I will resist putting my thoughts, feelings and hopes and dreams onto others for what I think they need to be doing. I will release them from unrealistic expectations and merely enjoy each person, place and things for what they are. I will see truth and be realistic and reasonable in all of my dealings. I will remain generous of spirit.”
Get the book & read the full story of the day at:
New Audio MP3 Downloads and Books to improve your life!
Psalms 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them.
Transformational Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit, People, Places, Pets and Situations!
My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®
Free Healing & Interviews:
15 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
30 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
60 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
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