TGIWednesday… perseverance and making progress everyday!

Healing A-Z Book Last Chance

Thanks to everyone who purchased and/or is writing in to say they are enjoying the new book!  If you haven’t yet, grab your copy today so you can add it to your reference shelf now for when you need it!  I am extending the never-again-to-be-repeated low pricing until midnight PT on Friday so it’s your last chance!

We have just recorded the accompanying video that goes with the book and it’s a live demonstration with verbal instructions for how to use the book. I know it will enhance your fishing practice and give you tips and tricks that you have not considered before.  The video shows you short cuts to fishing faster, and deeper than ever before If you already have the book, check your inbox for the link later today – any new orders will get it too!

Healing A-Z: The Words That Can Heal Body, Mind & Spirit
You need only buy ONE copy or digital file at the limited time special offer price of $35 and share it with your entire family and closest friends!


Here is another Q&A that you may find interesting:
QUESTION:  “Hi Jimmy, I’ve ordered your new book and I’m so so excited to get it!  I’ve had some clients in the last month that I CAN NOT GET TO RESPOND YES OR NO when standing to muscle test.  They just stand still.  I can put a bag of potato chips in their arms.  Good things too—they don’t budge.  (To see if they’ll sway any direction if it is good or bad for them).  I try to clear, but I’m not able to get them to move.  Beyond referring them to you—which I have—is there anything I can do? Thanks,”  L.J. / Virginia

ANSWER:  Top reasons people don’t move…
Taking prescription psycho tropics
from the Psychiatrist. It creates a ghost effect where they barely move or not at all.
Dehydrated – have them down water prior to about 16 ozs of water at least an hour before the session.
Zero minerals – Pink Himalayan sea salt helps with this and any multi-minerals.
Reversed energy – Trauma/chaos/drugs/alcohol/travel can reverse it.  Think of a sunflower with our faces as the beautiful flower/roots should be at our feet and simply see it reversing.  Fish out, “Mary’s energy is reversed”  Fish in “Mary’s energy is running direct”  – wait for the YES! and be patient. Then start again with, “My name is Mary” should pull them forward to yes, “My name is Freddy” should pull them back to NO! I have never met anyone on earth that did not move….they may have barely moved forward and back but they KNEW they were moving.

TGIWednesday Download


I will now know how to and what it feels like to have God’s perspective on perseverance.
I will know intuitively when to stop and catch my breath, when to relax, or rest and when to resume making progress every day.  I will allow my dreams to unfold for me.  The feelings of being discouraged, despondent and dispirited are released as I hear this now. I know how and what it feels like to have faith, and to continue making progress every day.
And so it is here and now.

You can watch this and all previous 25+ transmission downloads in a special playlist on my YouTube channel.  Click here and please subscribe while you’re visiting!

Radio Shows & Replays

Please note that all of the radio shows are filled w/ free healings & messages from Spirit, and you are encouraged to listen & call in to get your message & or healing for FREE.

Listen to the The Jimmy Mack Healing Show  Tuesday’s 12-noon ET call in LIVE (713) 955-0594

YESTERDAY’S REPLAY Special Guest Sharita Star,  Astrologer, Numerologist, Author & Speaker

Special Guest Muriel of Celestial Healing Light, Distant healing live from Scotland for animals and people  Listen here March 14th

Special Guest Karen A. Dahlman Author and Visionary, Ouija board discussion and live readings Listen here March 21st

Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, Psychic medium and Transmedium Readings with your loved ones from the other side. Listen here March 28th

Listen to Jimmy on Spiritual Insights Radio w/host Charlotte Spicer
Every 1st and 3rd Wed. of the month
at 3pm EST.  Call in, ask your questions, get a free healing! (347) 934-0751UPCOMING SHOWS
March 15th – Listen hereNEW INTERVIEW- Beyond the Screen w/host by Tammy Deans
Jimmy does clearings for being deserving & worthy of abundance and good fortune.
He also worked on clearing past life traumas. Listen here

Fish Food

Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations forMarch 8th

“Today I will know that what I am thinking will influence my outcomes and my actions. I will release the negative and embrace the positive. I will bask in the glow of the realization that every little thing is going to be alright. That there is a certain cadence and consciousness transformation that is created when instead of chasing it. i allow people, places and things to just unfold and come to me.”

Get the book & read the full story here.

Coming up next, the latest Audio MP3 for clearing dark energies, fears, curses, hexes, spells, and paranormal activity and unsticking you from all the negative stuff.

The link below here is for all the other audios available

Want to read & learn about My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®?
Need an extra boost? Reach out to Jimmy for a 15/30/60 min. personal session

From the FishBox

“Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy!
It’s so cold everything comes out three times lol I’m so sorry I haven’t sent my testimony yet…. I haven’t forgotten : ) Got crazy busy and I don’t want to rush all the good things I want to say about you!! BTW, I notice the difference now we are not on your daily prayer list…wow. Your prayers were powerful! Mama will keep working hard so we can go back on the list : )
Connect again soon, XOXOX  from K and S

Daily Prayer Service

VIP SERVICE: Daily Prayer Service
Now you can live like the rich and famous that have me working on them daily!  I will dial in to you daily upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day.  I will add you to my daily prayers as well as my computer software SRC4you which runs 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive.  This has made a tremendous difference in private clients lives and it is now being offered to everyone.  You can add everyone that lives in your immediate home and yes you can include pets!  Merely include everyone’s names.  You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up you will have the opportunity to renew each month, but are under no obligation.  I know you will actually see and feel the differences that this can make for you.  You can stop or start at any time and this is about 3$’s a day which is less than a trip to Starbucks!  It will create more magic in your life!
After you book any service, Email to confirm your purchase and schedule time together. All other dynamic services you’ve always dreamed of are still a click away.  Find them here

What Cat Color Should You Choose?

Here’s an interesting tidbit for you cat lovers….

Those people who are going to use the magical properties of the animal, need to know how to choose a cat. In some cases you need a black cat, and in others a red-haired cat. When choosing a cat for a magical procedure it is very important to take their color into consideration.

Black: witchcraft, occult powers, protection, deep magic! Despite all the superstitions, the beasts of color take negative energy is removed from the trouble of households, grant wisdom and discernment!
Red (red) cats and cats: the classic witches moon, full of male power, the power of the sun, Yang energy. No matter of the cat sex, the representatives of this color are the magic of wealth, money, focus.
Blue (gray, smoky gray): Cats of this color bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and sensual peace!
White: cat-and-sorcerers create lunar magic, have powerful healing powers! Give people a sense of beauty and admiration, relieve stress, give out healing and recharging energy! In America, considered a good omen.
Colorpoint (Siamese), the royal color! Cats with the color of diluted Siamese temples, jealously guarding the purity of the color. Cats of this color bring fame and success, longevity, help in the solar magic, Yan energy!
Calico (Three-colored) – Cat supreme goddess. The classic three-color combination white color varieties (maiden), red (parent: the mother and father), deep black -color magic! This color is associated with the triple goddess. Calico cats are good luck and on land and at sea, keep home and family from harm, are happiness and prosperity!
Two-tone (black-and-white, orange-white, gray and white): according to legend, two-colored cats best Mouser and very friendly. Allow the energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense!
Tortoiseshell: Women’s magic, because this color pattern is inherited only by females. Children, pure magic, the giver of clairvoyance, healing.
Golden, golden brown (like the Abyssinian): revered temple cat, playful, wise, regal, which bestows grace, helps to master the age-old wisdom, solar magic.
Tabby (striped): smiling Cheshire cat, which bestows good luck, light, cheerful attitude to the situation, even the most critical, energizing humor and fun!


Jimmy Mack V 727.678.0557 Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA
New Audio MP3 Downloads and Books to improve your life! |
Psalms 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them.
Transformational Healing of Body, Mind, Spirit, People, Places, Pets and Situations!
My Liquid Fish®  Change Made Simple®
Free Healing & Interviews:
15 minute session www.PayPal.Me/jimmymackhealing/33
30 minute session www.PayPal.Me/jimmymackhealing/65
60 minute session www.PayPal.Me/jimmymackhealing/155
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