TGIWednesday … Astrology and Creating Strength

Weekly Download… STRENGTH… Say “YES” to receive…

I know and have God’s definition of Strength.  My strength is the Creator’s strength and it flows with me.  I know what strength feels like, how to be strong, and how to live my daily life knowing that I am strong.  I know how to live my life without feeling weak.  I know that from this moment forward, I am flowing with the Creator’s strength.

This Astrology piece struck me as witty and funny and an equal opportunity offender, I hope you find the odd, silly, relationship humor in it!

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If you missed my live worldwide radio show last week with Sheila Gale, click on this link for the 7-day replay.  There are a number of great clearings in it & live phone clients who may have the same challenges as you…

Ready for an extra bonus mind blowing link? Click here

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