TGIWednesday and remaining positive and seeing the best!
TGIWednesday News
We had such a nice time visiting with the Dowser’s Unlimited FL group last week and I want to welcome all the new folks here to the weekly TGIW. I don’t often travel, but as it happens I will also be going to Tampa in a few weeks and seeing clients at the Swann Holistic Health Solutions Center. Read below to find out about booking a session.
All day Monday February 6th 2017 I will be booking clients
at Charla Tempone’s Swann Holistic Health Solutions
39A Davis Blvd, Tampa, FL 33606 (813) 873-7773
Please call their office directly to book a session time.
TGIWednesday Download
It is safe and comfortable to see the best in others. I will remain steadfast in the belief that every aspect of my life can and will improve daily. I am releasing the negative thought patterns and replace them with the best possible outcomes. Today I will become more forgiving, loving and kind; allowing the best to flow back to me in ways spirit sees fit which will exceed my expectations.
Just say YES out loud to receive the energy of this on all levels, in all languages and across all time lines… and so it is!
You can watch this and all previous 25+ transmission downloads in a special playlist on my YouTube channel.Click here and please subscribe while you’re visiting!
On The Air
Please note that all of the radio shows are filled w/ free healings & messages from Spirit, and you are encouraged to listen & call in to get your message & or healing for FREE.
Listen to the The Jimmy Mack Healing Show Tuesday’s 12-noon ET call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Jan 31st: Special Guest Debbie Dienstbier, Transmedium Listen online
Listen to Jimmy on Spiritual Insights Radio w/host Charlotte Spicer
Every 1st and 3rd Wed. of the month
at 3pm EST. Call in, ask your questions, get a free healing! (347) 934-0751NEW SHOWS COMING UP
February 1st – Listen here
February 15th – Listen here
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations forJanuary 25th
“Focus on your relationships instead of consumption, embrace every day as a new world and live it as if it were to be your last. Transcend the obstacles that afflict body, mind and spirit. Always keep the ball moving down the field. Accomplish all that you can in one day and play just as much as you work.”
A brief word of thanks for everyone that got in on the deal of Healthy Diet Digestion & Exercise audio MP3. Thanks for all the rave reviews and participation.
The link below here is for all the other audios available to read & learn about My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®?
Need an extra boost from Jimmy? Reach out to him for a 15/30/60 min. personal session
Q&A from The Fish Box
Betty from Florida asked, “For an appointment what is the best pendulum to use? I will buy it, but am not sure how good I would be at using it.”
ANSWER: “You do not need to buy or have a pendulum to work with me LIVE, on the phone or over Skype. For those that have one, we will use it for half of the session. I prefer standing applied kinesiology/muscle testing, so you will bestanding, hydrated, hands free phone/speaker/or ear buds and have a list of topics to work on. And I can show you how this works in under a minute! Thanks!!!” – Jimmy
VIP SERVICE: Daily Prayer Service
Now you can live like the rich and famous that have me working on them daily! I will dial in to you daily upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. I will add you to my daily prayers as well as my computer software SRC4you which runs 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive. This has made a tremendous difference in private clients lives and it is now being offered to everyone. You can add everyone that lives in your immediate home and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names. You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up you will have the opportunity to renew each month, but are under no obligation. I know you will actually see and feel the differences that this can make for you. You can stop or start at any time and this is about 3$’s a day which is less than a trip to Starbucks! It will create more magic in your life!
After you book any service, Email to confirm your purchase and schedule time together. All other dynamic services you’ve always dreamed of are still a click away. Find them here
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Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Small Business Entrepreneurs
MyBeliefWorks™ Audio Collection
Jimmy’s Book Collection
Contact Jimmy today to find out how he can help you
achieve optimal health, wellness and well being!
Visit his Services Page now.