TGIWednesday News
This past Monday was a full moon and partial lunar eclipse is called a sturgeon moon. I believe it is a time for reflection and bringing more depth and light to issues that had been haunting us in our past. It is a great time for planting and an even better time to just let go and know that you are where you are right now for a reason and the rest of your life will be the best of your life!
I just recorded the new audio for MyBeliefworks™ for Clearing Blocks and Healing Past Traumas to Learning, Teaching, Speaking and Meetings. We don’t have an official release date yet, but it’s coming soon! This new audio is all about enhancing school learning, improving public speaking and teaching and breaking down the blocks and barriers created due to past traumas. This Audio MP3 can be for you, maybe your spouse, co-workers and children of all school ages! This one is a game changer! Others so far have said:
“As I listened to this I felt “stuff” leaving my chest/heart area. This covers so many areas, it is a must listen to for you and anyone you love or care about. By the end my chest and head felt lighter, This is the perfect gift, thank you!” ~ T.G./ Wisconsin
Live Appearances

Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE! Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet! Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!
YESTERDAY’S REPLAY – Special Guest Elma Mayer Elma’s ground breaking healing offers insight and simplicity to create profound changes. www.nowhealing.comAUGUST 15th – Special Guest Zarathustra, Internationally known spiritual teacher and 5th Dimensional Quantum Healer
AUGUST 22nd – Special Guest Jane Sibbett Last year Jane received a special activation from Abdy, another gifted conduit of Source energy, suddenly found her hands “dancing” in ways that have begun helping others find peace, alignment, joy, unconditional love, and self-healing often easily within an ever-flowing tide of pure Source energy. Because that which happens when Jane’s hands automatically begin dancing defies simple explanation – it is not reiki or tapping or anything like anything she or others know — her friends simply coined the phrase “Jane’s Dancing Hands” to describe their motion as purest Source energy flows.
AUGUST 29th – Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier – Transmedium and Psychic Communicator Rev. Debbie is a trans medium, psychic reader and specializes in communication with relatives and loved ones who have crossed over so you won’t want to miss this show! Call in to talk to your loved one in spirit!!! 727-433-3896 is her contact information if you would like a reading after the show. During the show they are free.
Listen to Monday’s Replay of my interview on “Messages from Above” with host Toni Greene (btw… sorry about the technical difficulties with Facebook Live last week – we’ll try again soon)
UPDATE: The LIVE event at Kodawari Yoga on Monday August 14th is now SOLD OUT! Looking forward to seeing some of you there!
TGIWednesday Download
Please know that as I am pausing, I am fishing these out for YOU
and downloading the highest and the best!
It is safe and comfortable for me to endure and move forward regardless of the planetary energies. I will make forward progress even during retrogrades and astronomical turbulence. Every day regardless of my astrological sign, spirit will guide my steps and show me the logical and easiest path. Today I am released from the binds of astrology and take in only “the good stuff” as spirit holds out the lantern of the Tarot hermit and lights my path. And so it is in all languages and across all timelines as I read or hear this now.
You can watch this and all previous 40+ transmission downloads in a special playlist on my YouTube channel. Click here and please subscribe while you’re visiting!
Certified Fish School
The Certificate of Mastery Program for My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® is open for anyone to join at any time! This is a work-at-your-own-pace course that will allow you to go deeper into learning and practicing your “fishing” technique so you will become a master fisherman and see even better results just as if we were working together!Please note Jimmy Mack will meet with you live…. on the phone or on Skype after you’ve completed each level of the course. He will spend real time with you one-on-one making certain that you really do get it before completion of the Mastery phase and prior to your becoming a Certified Practitioner. There is no added cost for this service, it is included in the price of each course level.
From the FishBox
“I am so grateful for having Jimmy in my life. I am still astonished by the efficacy, effectiveness and accuracy of his work. I’ve been on a healing path for over 20 years and I never met anyone who would go so deeply in search of underlying causes of dis-ease in body, life and living, not being the fullness of me and not receiving from everywhere I would like to receive from. He pointed out and CLEARED issues I had no idea existed, the very hidden, sneaky and poisonous beliefs that limited me and my life.
As a result, after just 3 sessions (that were fun, too :o) I have better relationship with my husband, children, myself, more ease in my body and can tap into my potency and power on daily basis. Jimmy is as effective in person as at the distance (phone session) and being a surrogate for someone else. He lowered high fewer in my 6-year old son in a matter of minutes (after a less than 10-minutes phone session!).
Thank you, Jimmy for being in this world!”
– Gosia Lorenz, California
Fish Food
for August 9th“Today I will recognize that everyone and everything has a season. Just like the seasons of our years, we must learn to recognize when it is time to let people, places, and things go. More often than not the end of an era allows us the vacuum to create a new beginning.”
Get the book & read the full story here.
The link below here is for all the other audios available to read & learn about My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®?
Need an extra boost? Reach out to Jimmy for a 15/30/60 min. personal session
I will dial in to you daily upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day and also run my intelligent computer software which runs 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.
This has made a tremendous difference in private clients lives and it is now being offered to everyone. You can add everyone that lives in your immediate home and yes you can include pets! Merely submit everyone’s name on your prayer list after your purchase.
When you’re SERIOUS about getting results and better outcomes!