Hey Jimmy, what are your holiday hours? … 24/7 365
On Deck
Come January many of you will all have the same thing on your mind and the TV ads for the gym memberships and weight loss products will be blaring in the background on the hour to remind you… it’s time to get healthy, eat better, and increase your movement!
Well, I’m right there with you and I’ve got a jump on things because I’m putting out a brand new audio MP3 that goes hand in hand with the Being Your Ideal Weight audio MP3 available here.
The sister audio is called MyBeliefworks for Healthy Diet, Digestion, and Exercise
and these statements were downloaded to help you bust through your procrastination and stuck energy and blast into a fit and healthy 2017! Look for it to be released in Early January!
On The Air
Please note that all of the radio shows are filled w/ free healings & messages from Spirit, and you are encouraged to listen & call in to get your message & or healing for FREE.
Listen to the The Jimmy Mack Healing Show Tuesday’s 12-noon ET call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Jan 3rd: Special Guest Joanne Leo, Psychic, Numerologist & life coach. Listen online Jan 10th:Special Guest Michael Hinder, Attorney, Visionary & Author Listen online Jan 17th: Special Guest Sharita Star, Astrologist, Author Listen online Jan 24th: Special Guest Tiffany White Sage Woman, Intuitive Healer Listen online Jan 31st: Special Guest Debbie Dienstbier, Transmedium Listen online
Listen to Jimmy on Spiritual Insights Radio w/host Charlotte Spicer Every 1st and 3rd Wed. of the month
January 4th (no call on the 18th)
Feb 1st and 15th
March 1st and 15th
Check out Jimmy’s interview on Kare’s High Frequency Wellness Podcast WATCH IT NOW
As I read and hear this now I will release the past. As my defeats diminish over time I will savor memories of victories. I will realize that nothing happens to me, it happens for me and sometimes I will come to terms with knowing that unanswered prayers for what I thought I wanted, will make way to new better people, places and situations than I had thought possible. I will see this new year as the best so far and a chance to regain strength, stamina and to make my way in this world free of obstructions and barreling forward creating more production of products and services while resonating in harmony and so it is.
Just say YES out loud to receive the energy of this on all levels, in all languages and across all time lines… and so it is!
Fish Food
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations forDecember 28th
“Today I will not sweat the little things and I will be reminded that they are all just little things in the greater scheme of things. I will keep the faith and breathe in the moment moving forward reminded that if I am tense I am worried about the future. If I am sad, I am too in the past, but if I am at peace, I am in the present.”
VIP SERVICE: Daily Prayer Service
Now you can live like the rich and famous that have me working on them daily! I will dial in to you daily upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. I will add you to my daily prayers as well as my computer software SRC4you which runs 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive. This has made a tremendous difference in private clients lives and it is now being offered to everyone. You can add everyone that lives in your immediate home and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names. You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up you will have the opportunity to renew each month, but are under no obligation. I know you will actually see and feel the differences that this can make for you. You can stop or start at any time and this is about 3$’s a day which is less than a trip to Starbucks! It will create more magic in your life!
After you book any service, Email info@jimmymackhealing.com to confirm your purchase and schedule time together. All other dynamic services you’ve always dreamed of are still a click away. Find them here
From The Fishbox
…from a Daily Prayer client… This is an example of what can happen!
“I forgot to mention to you. Yesterday we got our normal paycheck. And I noticed that on my paycheck I got $200 in addition. Then I also noticed that I had a $4,200 additional check. I didn’t understand why I got these extra dollars. And I actually went in thinking it was a mistake and ask my boss if there was a bonus that I wasn’t aware of things like that. Come to find out about a month ago an email was sent that said that certain people within the bank were going to bring up the salaries to what the standard is in the business. And I read that thinking that it wasn’t pertaining to me no it pertains to me exclamation point I got a $7,000 raise and that’s an additional $400 a month and the $4,200 was the back date from the beginning of the year for that $7,000 holy moly! God’s Will! And thank you!” – K.R. / Florida