TGIWednesday – 365/24/7
Often folks ask what my hours are. Did you see those numbers above this paragraph? That’s how I feel as far as being on call in order to co-create changes with you! It is not uncommon for me to get up very early to work on daily prayer clients, take a super early morning call on the east coast and a late night call for the west coast (three hours behind us) or 3AM Skype because it’s already the next day in another country! Please know this… I will always make time for you. Most established clients need only 15 minutes or a half hour, so reach out any time Spirit moves you because you will KNOW 😉 when you need to schedule time with me!
And speaking of timing… did you catch the full moon? Buckle up if you thought things were cra-cray now, Christmas time will be Mercury Retrograde. The fourth and final cycle of 2016 starts on December 19th at 15° Capricorn and ends on January 8th at 28° Sagittarius. This final retrograde is as intense as it gets with a close alignment to Pluto. UGH…………so reach out if you need a session with me, I’m still WAY cheaper than the ER. Check out the new Services page and view the easy payment options.
On The Air
Please note that all of the radio shows are filled w/ free healings & messages from Spirit, and you are encouraged to listen & call in to get your message & or healing for FREE.
Listen to the The Jimmy Mack Healing Show Tuesday’s 12-noon ET call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Yesterday’s replay Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, trans-medium, psychic reader
Dec. 20th – Kare Possick a Visionary Artist and Author who has also been involved in Natural Healing and Quantum Energy Medicine for nearly 50 years Tune in here
Listen to Jimmy on Spiritual Insights Radio w/host Charlotte Spicer
Every 1st and 3rd Wed. of the month
Call in, ask your questions, get a free healing! (347) 934-0751
Dec. 21st – Listen online
Browse the entire archive of all past interviews and telesummits here.
TGIWednesday Download
I would like to gift to you what it feels like during this time of year to experience joy and peace from the heart. To know how to, when to and what to give as well as to receive. To meld into this time of year without being frantic and in it’s place instill enjoyment while remaining still. Knowing that we neither have to chase after any feeling, but rather allow the seasonal ease and joy to come to us. So whether you are celebrating Christmas, Rhamadan, Kwanza, Hanukkah or ‘Festivas for the rest of us’ above all else I pray that you experience deep inner peace.
Just say YES out loud to receive the energy of this on all levels, in all languages and across all time lines… and so it is!
Fish Food
Today I will pick a cause or charity to champion and take it on as my own. I will foster hope into it. I will pray about it and I will offer up time and prayers for it to come to fruition. I will endeavor to create profound changes by breathing life into it. I will positively affect the lives of others here and now.
Get the book & read the full story of the day at:
Daily Prayer Services
Now you can live like the rich and famous that have me working on them daily! I will dial in to you daily upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. I will add you to my daily prayers as well as my computer software SRC4you which runs 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive. This has made a tremendous difference in private clients lives and it is now being offered to everyone. You can add everyone that lives in your immediate home and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names. You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up you will have the opportunity to renew each month, but are under no obligation. I know you will actually see and feel the differences that this can make for you. You can stop or start at any time and this is about 3$’s a day which is less than a trip to Starbucks! It will create more magic in your life!
From The Fishbox
“Hi Jimmy, just wanted to give you a little update. I was in New Orleans and on Friday I got extremely sick. I don’t know if I ate too many oysters or had too much to drink. But I know I’ve had more to drink before and have not felt that sick. The outcome of that was, we were not up and down Bourbon Street all night on Saturday. On Sunday we found out that 10 people got shot @ on Bourbon Street. My theory is that spirit was with me and I got sick for a reason . yay for daily prayers. On a second note, I did not know that we were going to be staying at a haunted place. I found out when we got there. I dreamt of three little baby ghosts giggling right on top of our bed, I turned around, looked at them and said, “Hey, you guys are not supposed to be here”. I told them that I was going to fish them out. So I pointed at each one of them and did the fishing movement right above them. They all went away and I slept peacefully . Lol I’m fishing in my dreams.”
– L.L. / Florida
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Psalms 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them.
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My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®
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15 minute session www.PayPal.Me/jimmymackhealing/33
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