TGIWednesday and a download for positive transformation
TGIWednesday News
Well, you may have always wondered and even suspected and now you know it’s true…
Yes, it’s all true…….. I am the Easter Bunny. Pictured here this past weekend with my granddaughter and daughter-in-law.
A big thank you to those who answered the call for help in getting followers for our radio show account on Spreaker. Happy to report that we reached our goal and b e y o n d
in record time, getting upwards of 800 by the weekend!
And another thank you to those of you who bought the Dark Energies MP3 and helped make it one of the best & fastest selling audios we’ve ever released. If you have never heard my audio MP3’s before or just want help clearing your way to more prosperity and success – Click here to play this 20 minute audio clearing . It’s a free sample for you today!
Right-click on the link to save to your desktop computer.
Final reminder, I will be in Tampa this coming Monday April 24th booking clients at Charla Tempone’s Swann Holistic Health Solutions at 39A Davis Blvd, Tpa, FL 33606 Call their offices now at (813) 873-7773 to see if there are any 15 or 30 minute appointments available for an intuitive reading/clearing with me.
My Liquid Fish® Certification
As previously announced I will be opening up a Certified Practitioner Training for My Liquid Fish® Change made simple® for existing practitioners and also a Certificate of Completion for non-practitioners for personal use.
The Certificate of Completion is set to include two of my most key “fishing” eBooks, three specially selected MyBeliefworks™ audios that will help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results, instructional videos AND 15 minutes of Q&A and LIVE practice with me in person, phone or Skype.
The Certified Practitioner Training will be accessible online and is set to include my exclusively written Practitioner’s Handbook as well as hand selected digital eBooks and MyBeliefworks™ audio MP3s. The training will include a half-hour instructional Skype testing LIVE with me. Upon certification, your name, website and contact info will be included on a special listing on the website. To be approved for the certification training, you MUST be in a current practice setting which can be a practicing Psychic, Healer, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist, RN, Nurse Practitioner, PhD, and Physician Assistant or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype. We are striving to have practitioners worldwide, in each major city, and every state of the USA and in every country.
It is safe and possible for me to transform my life in a more positive way here and now.
I am leaving the past behind. My mistakes are released and what had bound me has let go. I believe, think, know and feel that change for the better has come upon me now. I am seeing the positive in everything and I am asking for resolution in all languages and across all time lines here and now.
You can watch this and all previous 40+ transmission downloads in a special playlist on my YouTube channel.Click here and please subscribe while you’re visiting!
Live Show Schedules & Replays
Please note that all of the radio shows are filled w/ free healings & messages from Spirit, and you are encouraged to listen & call in to get your message & or healing for FREE.
Listen to the The Jimmy Mack Healing Show Tuesday’s 12-noon ET call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
YESTERDAY’S REPLAYSpecial Guest Johanna Carroll, Internationally known, spiritual teacher, mystic and author. Special Guest Rev.Debbie Dienstbier, Psychic medium and Transmedium Readings with your loved ones from the other side. Listen here April 25th
Special guests coming up in May
May 2- Jeremy Riden, Intuitive Coach
May 9 – Michelle Bowen, Healer/Intuitive
May 16 – Kim Kamilla, Psychic/Astrologer
May 23 – Sandra Sullivan, Intuitive/Reader
May 20 – Debbie Dienstbier, Transmedium
Replay from April 17th
Vibe Nation/ Om Times Radio
w/host Carrie Turcotte of Embracing Your Divine Journey Listen to the replay
The Spiritual Insights show will be taking a brief hiatus for the month of April and we’ll let you know when the next date is scheduled, usually every 1st and 3rd Wed. of the month at 3pm ET
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations forApril 19th
“Today I will watch closely what I do and avoid risks that could result in long lasting negative effects. As I move forward with my health, I will take a road less traveled. I will preserve and move in the direction of my goals and ignore the nay-sayers.”
Look what I discovered on our patio floor this morning ~ an organic cat food liquid fish ~ lol! Drew said it happened last week, but he doesn’t recall doing it — spirit has a sense of humor for sure!
Thank you so much for my session yesterday. It was phenomenal! I felt incredible tingling in my hands when you transmitted the healing energy to me ~ wow ~ never felt this before!
We had a magical ceremony last night as we paid off our sons’ student loans online. We gathered around the computer, shared our introductory knowledge of the Liquid Fish with our boys, faced due north, released the debts, blessed ourselves with 100-fold returns, and concluded the ceremony with a hug-fest. It was so amazing ~ I was tempted to videotape it and send it to you! You’ve helped me to realize that my kids may not have launched their careers, but they’re Summa Cum Laude as human beings. #glowing mama bear
Spirit led me to you and your glorious liquid fish recipe ~ our lives will never be the same.
Bless you on your path, brother!”
R.A. / California
TGIW newsletter managed by:
Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions
Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Small Business Entrepreneurs
MyBeliefWorks™ Audio Collection
Jimmy’s Book Collection
Contact Jimmy today to find out how he can help you
achieve optimal health, wellness and well being!
Visit his Services Page now.