Long term clients on our Daily Prayer subscription really get it! So it was no surprise when 2 of them visited with me armed only with presents and hugs. Her husband plays Santa every year for children visits, and yes even on Skype and all the other video apps, to call kids and surprise them with Santa himself!
Even if you’re not a ho ho ho but rather a so-so or non-believer, dive into what makes you happy this time of year. Colder weather? egg nog, gift-giving to others or receiving a gift just for you. During this time of year and always, strive to be a part of the giving and in return I know that you will receive.
Mark your calendars for our final Zoom fishing gathering of 2023 and you won’t want to miss it! (for those that subscribe to our daily prayer service, this month’s Zoom event is FREE so check your inbox from last week & please write to support@jimmymackhealing.com if you have NOT received your link prior to Christmas day! If the day or time is odd for you, the replay is just as powerful as the original and will be sent the following day.
Please note in the picture that Santa made us a 3D printed fish! How cool is that? And to the right of the fish is a custom made bobble head of your’s truly and as only my girlfriend keeping
me forever humble would say, “Well that’s a pretty skinny representation of you.” LOL
Holidays getting to you?
Is it time for a one-on-one session?
Get on my schedule today, most times within 72 hours View Calendar First,
Then Pay and Schedule 15 min | 30 min | 60 min | Appointments
December Zoom Event
Join us for a December to remember
Zoom extravaganza We make it fun by clearing odd blocks and weaknesses you may have never even considered! We go fast and deep and keep it to around 30 minutes and we make it a reasonable event at $22.
AND… for this month only, it’s a free gift for activeMy Daily Prayer subscribers (if that’s you, check your inbox, the call link & confirmation email went out yesterday).
—> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)
👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/december-2023THEME: Receiving Ethereal Gifts
During this time of year with the overindulgence of eating, shopping and festivities, ground yourself just for a moment and drop into what intangible/non material gift would you really like to receive for yourself, your loved ones and for humanity and the planet?
Your 3 wishes for the Genie in the format below. Use words organic to you, keep it simple. After payment please email support@jimmymackhealing.com
1) Ethereal Gifts for myself I’d like to have more ____in my life. peace of mind, everyday joy, romantic love, financial stability, higher levels of self-worth &
confidence, prominence in my work/job/career field, deeper intuition, purpose & clarity,
2) Ethereal Gifts for others I love I’d like to see more_____for my loved ones. career success, peaceful life balance, sobriety, harmonious relationships, pain-free living, joy for life
3) Ethereal gifts for world humanity, planet Earth/Gaia For the world, I’d like to see_______ more kindness, more cultural unity, more peaceful resolutions, deeper consciousness, for earth to become replenished,cleaner air & water quality, decrease in our carbon footprint for posterity, more sustainability.
Join our fishing crew and welcome aboard as we delete the negative and download more positive to round out this year!
I believe, think, know and feel that my mere presence can be the gift to others that they need right now. I am ready, willing and able to be fully present, contributing and filled with steadfast joy of this season and beyond. I know, when, where, how and why to be a healing vessel in the presence of others and to channel from Spirit the gift of healing, positivity and contribution here and now. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!
FREE Live Appearances
Around the holidays I like to record a little something special with my friend Marla Martenson and we’ve got a new Christmas energy clearing video here for you to watch. Take a look: https://youtu.be/NAfsHdpLCK0?si=sCxEnOvaZgt2H_VD
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
TESTIMONIAL FROM MY DAILY PRAYER SUBSCRIBER So this is interesting – I was just now looking in my journal from last year. Entry dated Nov 13, 2022: “Jimmy Mack says – things will open up next year during the second week in December. That’s RIGHT NOW.” As soon as I read that my eyes darted over to my dining room table and guess what is sitting there? The journal I asked you to help me get back. I have scoured this house over and over and searched other places. Put in a lost item report at Delta Airlines. Thought someone had it and was reading it. Mind you, my dining room table is now covered over with files and papers, but still!! THANK YOU!!! The timing of the message and then me looking over to the side and laying my eyeballs right on the journal is incredible to me. Plus the fact that the universe wanted me to know it came from you!! Susan / Atlanta, GA
“Today I will release all obsessions about myself and be as kind and as loving as possible towards others. I will remain humble, loving and kind and know that by giving the gift I am receiving a blessing for myself.”
Gift Certificates Are Now Available
Now that we are in the gift-giving season, it’s a great time for a reminder that we offer digital Gift Certificates in the shop. Gift a 15, 30 or 60 minute private session, 30-days of daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special. You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you’d like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 – $225.
Looking for a new job? Going through a court proceeding? Upcoming surgery scheduled for you or a loved one? Need help selling or buying a property? Troubled times in your relationship? These are just some of the life at the crossroads events that are ideal for My Daily Prayer program.
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.
—> *If you sign up for MDP in December, Zoom registration is included as a bonus.
30 Days of Daily Prayer (single month) – $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY. Click here
After the 30 days, you will receive an email from Jimmy and have the opportunity to renew for an additional month plus update your list, but you are under no obligation.
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
**NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time.
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request.
Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy? If so, you can now Book Appointments… View Availability First, Then Pay15 mins | 30 mins | 60 mins
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” – Lao Tzu
All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Life Force Energy Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
We are extending the gift with purchase offer through December 31st! Buy any digital item and you’ll receive this bonus.
“Infusing Energy Blessings for Your Totems and Good Luck Charms” video/mp3 (not sold separately, a $44 value) Sent in a separate email to buyers after your purchase.