Happy New Year!
How many of you made yet another resolution to lose weight this year and how bad will you beat yourself up four weeks from now when you likely lose your resolve and fall short? …again
Interestingly, while I was downloading & writing the statements for the MyBeliefworks for Ideal Weight Audio MP3, I lost 11 pounds myself! This could be the ideal companion for your weight loss resolution in the New Year. Listening to the audio will create changes for you on many levels, and for those of you advanced “fishermen”, you can go through the PDF and test and fish out each of the statements individually – changing them from negative to positive.
If you click this link now, then you’ll get 10% off the regular price for the next 7 days. You can play the download on any computer or phone. You can even email it and share it with immediate friends and family that you KNOW would benefit from encouragement. Enjoy all with ease.
Oh, and here’s one more thing that may help you get clear in the New Year and take new action to help you avoid old patterns… Join me and 20 other speakers at the Joy Generator Summit w/ host Natalie Rose. She’ll be interviewing me next Tuesday January 12th. Reserve your spot now.
January 5th through the 26th will be the beginning of Mercury Retrogade basically use extra caution in driving, all of your dealings, communications and allow extra patience involving dealing with others it is ok to FINISH projects/contracts/finalize things you have started prior to these dates, but I would not initiate a big project DURING those dates.
Jimmy Mack V 727.678.0557 Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA
New Audio MP3 Downloads and Books to improve your life!
Psalms 107:20 He sent his word, and healed them.
Transformational Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit, People, Places, Pets and Situations!
My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®
Superpowers video interview: http://goo.gl/
The Law of Attraction Radio Show video interview: http://goo.gl/
Self-Healing For Wholeness interview: https://goo.gl/qhWOZZ
The Kelly Ballard Show interview: https://goo.gl/3Q1whL
15 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
30 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
60 minute session www.PayPal.Me/
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