Live Appearances
Listen to the The Jimmy Mack Healing Show Tuesday’s 12-noon ET Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE! Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet! Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!
YESTERDAY’S REPLAY – Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier – Transmedium and Psychic Communicator Rev. Debbie is a trans medium, psychic reader and specializes in communication with relatives and loved ones who have crossed over so you won’t want to miss this show! Call in to talk to your loved one in spirit!!! Exciting!!! 727-433-3896 is her contact information if you would like a reading after the show. During the show they are free.
AUGUST 15th – Special Guest Zarathustra, Internationally known spiritual teacher and 5th Dimensional Quantum Healer
AUGUST 22nd – Special Guest Jane Sibbett Last year Jane received a special activation from Abdy, another gifted conduit of Source energy, suddenly found her hands “dancing” in ways that have begun helping others find peace, alignment, joy, unconditional love, and self-healing often easily within an ever-flowing tide of pure Source energy. Because that which happens when Jane’s hands automatically begin dancing defies simple explanation – it is not reiki or tapping or anything like anything she or others know — her friends simply coined the phrase “Jane’s Dancing Hands” to describe their motion as purest Source energy flows.
AUGUST 29th – Special Guest Rev. Debbie Dienstbier – Transmedium and Psychic Communicator Rev. Debbie is a trans medium, psychic reader and specializes in communication with relatives and loved ones who have crossed over so you won’t want to miss this show! Call in to talk to your loved one in spirit!!! 727-433-3896 is her contact information if you would like a reading after the show. During the show they are free.
Listen to Monday’s replay as Carrie begins the mini session by communicating with Spirit to give you guidance on your question. Jimmy then takes over and helps heal the energyconnect to it. Carrie then may add any additional information she may have received while Jimmy was doing the energy work. These two are MAGIC together!
TGIWednesday Download
Please know that as I am pausing, I am fishing these out for YOU
and downloading the highest and the best!
It is now safe and comfortable for me to forgive those who I’ve wronged. It is now safe and comfortable for me to forgive those that have wronged me. I am releasing the energy left behind on grudges, accidents, mishaps, and misfortune and in their place I am restoring peace, joy and good fortune. I am allowing the peace that surpasses all understanding to flow in, around and through me now. I forgive my enemies and I move forward with my life allowing spirit to show me the way. I am restoring faith and favor in all languages and across all timelines as I hear this now and so it is.
You can watch this and all previous 40+ transmission downloads in a special playlist on my YouTube channel.Click here and please subscribe while you’re visiting!
Certified “Fishing” School
The Certificate of MasteryProgram for My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple®is open for anyone to join at any time! This is a work-at-your-own-pace course that will allow you to go deeper into learning and practicing your “fishing” technique so you will become a master fisherman and see even better results just as if we were working together!
Please note Jimmy Mack will meet with you live…. on the phone or on Skype after you’ve completed each level of the course. He will spend real time with you one-on-one making certain that you really do get it before completion of the Mastery phase and prior to your becoming a Certified Practitioner. There is no added cost for this service, it is included in the price of each course level.
*For all those qualified and interested in becoming a Certified My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Practitioner, you will be given the opportunity to upgrade to either the Gold or Platinum level after the completion of Level I Module 2.
From the Fish Box
“I am an endocrinologist who advises people for weight loss but was struggling with losing weight myself. I tried all weight loss medications but they caused me lots of side effects . I had no real will to lose weight until I enrolled in JimmyMack’s Certification Program and started to fish for weaknesses for me and my wife. I swear this was amazing and mind blowing. My interest in food decreased and I started to eat more healthy food choices and I dropped 10 pounds in 2 weeks . The same is true for my wife . I had also IBS problem that really improved after fishing around these symptoms. I am really thankful and grateful that I learned and used this method which I recommend to all desperate people with chronic disease, IBS or weight issues . In brief, any issue can be “fished” with this amazing method. Thank you Jimmy for teaching me this method.”
~ Arthur, MD / South Africa
“Thank you, Jimmy… for your presence, your precision, your wild & wonder-full creativity… I am privileged to be aligned with the power, poise & possibility of fishing and change made simple! I’ve walked a long road to get here and I’m gonna enjoy every aspect of the rest of my life being the BEST of my life! So glad you’re on this journey with me.”
~ Magdalen Bowyer / Canada
Fish Food
“Today I will bend the light of reality and find a new way. I will envision a blur from the past colliding with the now and generate ideas that will help all of us in the future. I will see in the present what others cannot see. I will find unique and different ways to approach everything from every angle.”