TGISaturday?… yep…please read, asking for a little help today

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Hey ya’ll…I need your help and contribution.  When is the last time I asked for that?…probably 1990-never. Elsa is a named storm passing through the Caribbean area now and all the tracking models show it moving towards engulfing all of Florida with damaging winds and rain – which is the last thing any of us need, especially on a busy, tourist heavy holiday weekend.

All of us working together can move this temptress due West and more out into the Gulf of Mexico and we would be spared the worst of it.

Here are simple ways to help/contribute to our effort:

  1. Get in a peaceful quiet location either sitting or lying down, relax for a moment.
  2. Picture yourself in the middle of the storm looking towards Florida.
  3. Now energetically envision you’re even bigger than the storm and standing over and above it.
  4. With eyes closed imagine your hands on each side of the storm Elsa.
  5. Pretend with the gentleness of moving a small dog or cat that you’re moving it to the left.

Thanks a lot, everyone in Florida thanks you and I do also!  I really believe all of us doing this can really work magic and I have actually had great luck with shifting weather!

May the rest of your life be the best of your life and remember to make progress every day!

Jimmy Mack  | Appointments
Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA
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