TGIHumor & when does Mercury Retrograde end?

June 11th will end this latest phase of Mercury Retrograde and somewhere between that and full moons it has been kray cray, so please know that it’s not just you, other people are feeling it too, so if you are in need of a live session, just reach out today.

Listen now to my latest telesummit interview on Self-Healing For Wholeness w/Carole Grace.  My half-hour interview is one of just 20 you’ll get access to when you register… it’s ending soon so don’t wait.

I am fast at work on new audio MP3’s for your listening and transformational growth.  The topics include a customized healing session that you could use for any physical challenge AND one on Stress which includes any and all emotional/mental/psychological/diseases/disorders/illness, so I will keep you posted!  Even these two are taking several months, but they have to congeal, come up from the depths and come in from Super Consciousness before I feel they are complete enough for you!

Many of you noticed the daily inspirational posts from the Tell The Fish book that I’m putting out on social media…….. sounds like a great idea for a mobile app don’t you think? …. me too!… stay tuned….

If you want even deeper levels of silly humor click here:
weekly cartoon funny

Jimmy Mack V 727.678.0557
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