TGIWednesday and weekly downloads

Updates on the Jimmy Mack Healing/My Liquid Fish App…Working on the various parts of that for everyone, and it should be pretty cool!Mercury Retrograde ends on Thursday June 11th thank goodness!  So on Friday things can get back to semi-abnormal around here. Finished the scripts for a Self-Healing audio MP3 that will be for physical/body…

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TGIHumor & when does Mercury Retrograde end?

June 11th will end this latest phase of Mercury Retrograde and somewhere between that and full moons it has been kray cray, so please know that it’s not just you, other people are feeling it too, so if you are in need of a live session, just reach out today. Listen now to my latest…

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TGIWednesday … and remaining positive

Weekly Download… POSITIVITY… Say “YES” to receive… I have and know the Creator’s definition of positivity.  I know what it feels like to be positive, how to be positive, to live my day to day life being positive and that it is possible to be positive. I know that from this moment forward I am…

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TGIWednesday … When is Astrological Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde starts now… Mercury retrograde will be occurring from May 18 to June 11 …Now for the good news… I was invited to be a guest on Self-Healing for Wholeness TeleSummit which features 21 expert speakers offering their strategies to create a healthy & happy life. This FREE EVENT runs now through June 5th…

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TGIWednesday … Astrology and Creating Strength

Weekly Download… STRENGTH… Say “YES” to receive… I know and have God’s definition of Strength.  My strength is the Creator’s strength and it flows with me.  I know what strength feels like, how to be strong, and how to live my daily life knowing that I am strong.  I know how to live my life without feeling weak. …

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