Discover a Powerful Sacred Symbol Divinely Guided and Given by Spirit During my NDE Allowing You to Actually Feel Energetic Changes While Releasing Limiting Thoughts & Beliefs and Bringing in More of the Positive.
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Here's What People are Saying:
- C.P. , Los Angeles![]()
“What can I say – I have done sooooo many different types of healings….you name it – I’ve pretty much done it, yet I have NEVER found someone like Jimmy Mack! Truly this man is one amazing and talented healer. he is incredibly gifted … and giving with his time and healing abilities. He really cares and goes the extra mile, to help you out, pretty much No matter what! More than anything -Jimmy’s healing sessions REALLY honestly work! He is so fast and can change and improve sooo many different aspects or your life – with pretty much the blink of an eye! You want to improve and change your life for the better?, forever?, contact jimmy!!! honestly….he’s Amazing!
- Pradeep S., India![]()
"I am from India and following and doing the Liquid Fish for the last 20 plus days and the results are stunning. As you mentioned in the book The Tackle Box, I have also learned and practiced Matrix Energetics, Quantrum Entrainment, Quantum Touch, ThetaHealing, Healing Codes, Quantum Techniques, EFT, NLP, etc ......for the past 10 years. But find your Technique to be far more easy, direct, simple and powerful. I am going to do a one hour session with you now. With love and thanks."
- R.M., Chicago![]()
"This technique seems simple, but goes DEEP! I went over the free kit several times and by about the 3rd pass I really x3 got it. Now a lot of things are just plug and play like he says in his book, it is fast, simple and dare I say fun!"
- M. J. , Atlanta![]()
"This is a refreshing simplistic way to change everything! No more tedious week long courses or dumping thousands in to complicated healing methods with questionable results. Once you get your head around this, you won’t need anything else., oh and get the audios too, there is something about Jimmy Mack’s voice that seems to change everything and take you in to even deeper waters!"
- T.G. , Nevada![]()
“I have had an eye opening experience in learning My Liquid Fish! My challenges were career, relationships and finances like most everybody! In the couple of sessions I have had, it is amazing how things that were blocking my success have been removed. Within the first 2 weeks I have had 2 job opportunities cross my path and a new love interest. I can say that I am a believer and have been using it on negative situations almost daily! My Liquid Fish has opened up my world to have the life I want and deserve! Thank you Jimmy for sharing this!”
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